C+ZC Journal

It's like your own personal library of writerly inspiration, editorial advice, and bookish Q's and A's. Not to mention a healthy shot of QT with yours truly.

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Your Ideas Deserve a Story—Here’s How to Make Them Real for Your Audience

Writing + Editing

Your brilliant ideas don’t exist in a vacuum—but they sure as hell feel like it when you share them without a story to ground them. Facts alone don’t inspire. Stories do. If you want people to do something with your ideas, you have to show them what those ideas look like in real life. Otherwise, […]

Your brilliant ideas don’t exist in a vacuum—but they sure as hell feel like it when you share them without a story to ground them. Facts alone don’t inspire. Stories do. If you want people to do something with your ideas, you have to show them what those ideas look like in real life. Otherwise, […]

Struggling to connect with your audience through storytelling? You might be making one of these three common mistakes: being too vague, skipping the emotional hook, or not knowing your audience. Learn how to fix these storytelling blunders and start building stronger, more meaningful connections.


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